Truffled Squash or Pumpkin Soup

SG Séguret
1 min readFeb 22, 2021

A Truffle a Day — Day 21

Truffled Pumpkin Soup (photo © SG Séguret)

A rich, satisfying and easy-to-prepare winter soup, you can try this with chestnuts thrown in for a nuttier, more savory body.


1 pumpkin or winter squash

1–2 large potatoes

1–2 quarts chicken broth (homemade, if possible)

2–3 tablespoons butter or heavy cream

Salt and pepper, to taste

1 ounce truffle


Halve pumpkin (or squash) and scoop out the seeds. Clean and roast with olive oil and salt (and a little grated truffle), and nibble while confecting the soup (or serve alongside). Bake halves upside-down until soft, then scoop out the flesh. Throw in a soup pot, along with cubed potatoes and broth, and cook until potatoes are tender.

Purée the mixture with an immersion blender, season, and add grated truffle. Ladle into soup bowls, pouring in a teaspoon of heavy cream or topping with a sliver of butter, fan out with a knife, and finish with more grated or thinly-slivered truffle.

A Truffle a Day is a series of one-a-day truffle recipes, excerpted from the soon-to-be-released Cooking with Truffles: A Chef’s Guide. All recipes can be prepared with or without truffles, depending on the voluptuousness of your pantry.



SG Séguret

Susi Gott Séguret, fiddler, dancer, photographer, chef, is author of multiple works, including Appalachian Appetite, Child of the Woods & Cooking with Truffles.