Truffled Pancakes with Warm Truffled Maple Syrup
A Truffle a Day — Day 16
What could be better than pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast? Why, truffled pancakes and truffled syrup, of course!
2 eggs (stored overnight with truffles)
About 1½ cup buttermilk
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon large grain salt
½ teaspoon cinnamon
Grated truffle
Maple syrup (about ¼ cup per person)
A few truffle slivers per person
Beat eggs together with buttermilk (or milk and sour cream, or milk and yoghurt if you don’t have buttermilk). Add flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon and stir quickly to blend, stopping before the batter begins to toughen. Add grating of truffle.
Meanwhile, gently heat maple syrup with truffle slivers and set aside. Bring skillet up to appropriate temperature and cook pancakes in butter or mild oil, introducing them when the fat is hot (but not smoking). Turn when they begin to bubble.
Serve with Truffle Butter and Truffled Syrup, and a dollop of Truffled Whipped Cream if you wish to be particularly decadent.
A Truffle a Day is a series of one-a-day truffle recipes, excerpted from the soon-to-be-released Cooking with Truffles: A Chef’s Guide. All recipes can be prepared with or without truffles, depending on the voluptuousness of your pantry.